Inglês, perguntado por micheleods1, 3 meses atrás

Read the text and find pieces of information to support or illustrate each idea below as in the examples. Write the answers in your notebook.
a, It has provided romance and escapism for millions of people all over the globe since its very beginning.

1. The movies offered a panacea in the years of the Great Depression in the US.


b. More and more countries, long ignored as film-making nations, have produced films that have entered the international consciousness.

1:Certainly in the last few decades, creative cinema has spread from the US and Europe to Central and Eastern Asia, and to the developing world - the most amazing example of which is Iran.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por firefre857

, Forneceu romance e escapismo para milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo desde o seu início.

1. Os filmes ofereceram uma panacéia nos anos da Grande Depressão nos Estados Unidos.

2: ☆

b. Mor

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