Inglês, perguntado por santiagofranciele990, 1 ano atrás

Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.Write them down in your notebook.


Most robots today are used to do ____actions or Jobs considered too____for humans.Robots are also used in____to build things like cars,candy bars,and electronics.Robots are now used in____,for military tactics,for finding objects underwater and to____other planets.Robotic technology has helped people who have Lost arms or____.Robots are a great Tool to help____.
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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Djairbrainly


Most robots today are used to do REPETITIVE actions or Jobs considered too DANGEROUS for humans.Robots are also used in FACTORIES to build things like cars,candy bars,and electronics.Robots are now used in MANKIND ,for military tactics,for finding objects underwater and to EXPLORE other planets.Robotic technology has helped people who have Lost arms or LEGS .Robots are a great Tool to help MEDICINE.


santiagofranciele990: Obrigado!
Djairbrainly: disponha
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