Inglês, perguntado por aaabcd, 10 meses atrás

Read the text and answer the question. Three things that will make you feel like a true Brazilian Brazilians are known all over the world for being masters at having a great time. If you want to immerse yourself in any culture, you have to go beyond the obvious. A country reveals itself in the customs of its people. Get ready to live like a true brasileiro with our list of things you have to do when you come to visit us. Enjoy! Sip coconut water at the beach What better way to take a break from the blazing sun than by drinking fresh, ice-cold coconut water, straight from the fruit, while lazing/relaxing at the beach? That is only one of the things Brazilians love to do when they’re enjoying a day out. Just throw your towel on the sand, make sure you have something to snack on (or sit close to a good kiosk) and relax. Being at the beach is all about having the best time possible. Experience street Carnival One of the best things about Carnival is that there are all kinds of fun, you just have to be in your best spirits! And to be a true Brazilian, go along with one (or more!) of the country’s several Carnival block parties. Rio, Salvador, Olinda, and Recife are known for having the best street parties in Brazil, but many other cities, big and small, have their own celebrations. Eat a feijoada This is one of the best things to do in Brazil. The national dish feijoada is a pork and black beans stew which is enjoyed all over the country by all kinds of people. This is Brazilian soul food at its best: a wide variety of pork cuts (from the conventional to the more unorthodox – pork’s tail, anyone?) are cooked for hours with delicious beans and seasonings to create a rich and complex stew. Usually, locals have it on Wednesdays or Saturdays for lunch. Restaurants will serve pots of feijoada with all the sides, which include rice, braised kale, crunchy toasted manioc flour, a pork chop and maybe even some pork crackling. It is one of the dishes you must try in order to truly understand what it’s like to be a Brazi

anonima268: Coloquei b, mas não sei se está certo
instoncapintada: é a C pq na b fala: Festas de rua de carnaval apenas nas grandes cidades. E carnaval tem em cidades pequenas sim!!!
enzomichelds: nd ver
enzomichelds: ERRAD0
enzomichelds: opa ta certo foi mal

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anonima268




Vi no google

miguelcerrib: o miserável é um gênio se bem que eu tbm estou vendo ent
brenorezende2020: sua explicação é muito boa mesmo
enzomichelds: vdd
Respondido por pedroceciliopena69




uniterhouse: a resposta certa e a D pq tem que ser baseado no texto, e o texto diz que o carnaval acontece tanto nas grandes cidades quanto pequenas
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