Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

Read the text and answer the following questions.

Fonte: Reprodução

The footprint is not about how bad things are or how bad you are. It's just a statement of where we are at and what we can do about things. Obviously, it's not just about you, but it's also about the systems you have built around you. The wealthiest Americans, with very large footprints; they love to go to Italy. And in Italy, the footprint per person is about times smaller than the U.S. average, and not because they are particularly virtuous, ecologically speaking; but because they have inherited cities that are very efficient in terms of being compact. People walk around, they eat more local food because it's available in compact cities, they have markets etc. So, all these things allow everybody to have a very high quality of life at much lower resource consumption, or footprint, as we say.

People often ask me, 'What can we do to reduce our ecological footprints?' They expect me to say, 'Drive less, eat less meat, don't eat chocolate!' And what I say is, 'Just maximize your quality of life, because if you really think about quality of life, how can you use your budget on this planet best?' The budget for an individual is time. How many hours do you have on this amazing planet? How do you want to use your hours? Do you want to use it to maximize your income? Then you cannot even spend it because you don't have time to spend it.

INTERVIEW with Ecological Footprint's co-creator. Scoop, 2006. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2016.


This is part of an interview with Mathis Wackernagel, co-creator of the Ecological Footprint. Read it and check the sentences true (T) or false (F).

( ) Your personal footprint is a combination of yourself and your surroundings.

( ) The Americans' footprint average depends on Italy's average.

( ) Time is an important issue to consider regarding life quality.

( ) A small footprint can be connected to a high quality of life.

( ) People who drive less have a smaller footprint.


What do the words in bold refer to?

I. *they* love to go to Italy"

II. *they*are particularly virtuous"

III. "*it'*s available in compact cities"

IV. *our* ecological footprints"

V. "Do you want to use *it* to maximize your income?"


Answer in Portuguese:

I. O que faz com que a Itália tenha uma pegada ecológica vezes menor que a dos Estados Unidos?

II. Por que as pessoas se surpreendem com a resposta dada por Wackernagel à pergunta "O que podemos fazer para reduzir nossa pegada ecológica?"?


CremildaBR: Quando você não conseguir colocar em negrito, coloque * entre as palavras que devem estar em destaque, ta? Exemplo: *word*
CremildaBR: vi que vc colocou entre aspas ;)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por aaaaaa41


3)a. T,F,T,T,T

3.b). the american people; the italian people; the local food; the american footprints; it reffers to the hours

3.c) 1. por conta da qualidade de vida italiana

2. porque eles esperam que ele diga "diriga menos, coma menos carne, não coma chocolate"

espero ter ajudado:)

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