Inglês, perguntado por luanadeoliveiraraujo, 8 meses atrás

Read the text and answer:
How much do you know?
Presenter: Good evening ladies and gentelmen. Welcome to “How much do you know?” Here are our finalists: Ken Smith and Pat Starr. The winner will recive a ticket to a pop concert. Are you ready to start?
Ken and Pat: Yes.
Presenter: Well, which is the tallest building in the world: The Sears Tower, the Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower?
Ken: Well... it is the Sears Tower , in Chicago.
Presenter: That is correct... Your turn now, Pat. Which is the highest mountain in the world, Mont Blanc, Mount Everest or Mount Edna?
Pat:’s Mount Everest.
Presenter: You’re right. And,Ken. Which is the most populous country in the world: China, Russia or India?
Ken: I guees it is China.
Presenter: Absolutely right. Now, Pat, which is the smallest country in the world, Luxemburg, Monaco or Vatican City?
Pat: Oh, that’s easy. It’s Vatican City.
Presenter: You are correct... well, now is your turn, Ken. Which is the longest river in the world, the Amazon, the Nile or the Mississippi?
Ken: Uhmm... the the Mississippi.
Presenter: No, I’m afraid it is worng. It’s the Nile. And now, ladies and gentlemen, the winner is... Pat Starr. Congratulations, Pat! And here is your ticket.
Pat: Thank you very much.
Presenter: Thank you for taking part in “How much do you know?”
O nome Grau Comparativo se deve pois como você pode ver ao usarmos essas palavras estaremos comparando alguém ou algo com outro alguém ou algo. Geralmente, ao fazermos esse tipo de comparação podemos usar a palavra than, que significa do que:
My dad is fatter than my mom. [Meu pai é mais gordo que minha mãe.]
A Beetle is cheaper than a Ferrari. [Um fusquinha é mais barato que uma Ferrari.]
His sister is taller than me. [A irmã dele é mais alta que eu.]
Formação da forma comparativa:
Adjetivos curtos: Acrescenta-se “er”. Ex: old - older
Adjetivos curtos terminados em "e”: Acrescenta-se “r”. Ex late - later
Adjetivos terminados em: Consoante+ Vogal + Consoante:, dobra-se a última consoante Ex: Big - bigger
Adjetivos curtos terminados em "Consoante + y": Retira-se o "y" e acrescenta-se "ier". Ex: happy - happier
Adjetivos longos: Usar "more". Ex intelligent – more intelligent
1. Tick the right answer according to the text.
a. The name of the program is “How much do you know?” ( )
b. The winner will get a ticket to a classical music concert. ( )
c. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world. ( )
d. The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. ( )
e. The most populous country in the world is Russia. ( )
Mark the correct sequence: *
2 pontos
(a) F – T – F – T – F.
(b) T – F – T – T – F.
(c) T – F – F – T – F.
(d) F – F – T – T - F.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por giovana160977


A resposta é a letra C


The tallest building in the world is Sears Tower

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