Read the sentences and choose the ones that employ the past continuous.
( ) “I was recently perusing a Brooklyn hipster record store and came across the new David Bowie album,The Next Day.”
( ) “I was curious to hear what an artist like Bowie had to say at the end of his career […].”
( ) “While I was paying for the record, I was reminded of Mick Jagger’s famous quote about Bowie […].”
( ) “[…] Bowie was just starting out.”
( ) “There was a crowd of people surrounding Bowie […].”
( ) “Andy was waiting for him, surrounded by his own coterie of supporters.”
Soluções para a tarefa
( ) “I was recently perusing a Brooklyn hipster record store and came across the new David Bowie album,The Next Day.”
( ) “I was curious to hear what an artist like Bowie had to say at the end of his career […].”
(x ) “While I was paying for the record, I was reminded of Mick Jagger’s famous quote about Bowie […].”
( ) “[…] Bowie was just starting out.”
( ) “There was a crowd of people surrounding Bowie […].”
( x) “Andy was waiting for him, surrounded by his own coterie of supporters.”
Past continuous - algo que estava acontecendo no passado
Sujeito + past TO BE (was, were) + verb -ing + complemento
You were speaking on the phone.
I was studying for the final exams.