Inglês, perguntado por jealonsooo, 7 meses atrás

Read the letters and fill in the gaps with subject,
object, refiexive or possessive pronouns and
possessive adjectives.
Letter #1:
Dear Annie,
At the beginning of the quarter I was very happy with
very good reports. Then b)
so I did very well at school and had
and I broke up. I got depressed, so I stopped doing
my school work properly because I couldn't get c)
mind off d)
. By the time I
realized I needed to get back on track, e)
was too late. I got my report card today
's bad. I have a D, and 2 Fs. g)
ex really disappointed h)
and f)
but I can't blame i)
fault; was k)
things go the way I)
It was not j)
Now I am upset with m)
and I know my
parents are going to be disappointed on me, too.
What should I tell n)
Letter #2:
Dear desperate,
Tell a)
the truth. You were upset by the
boyfriend and couldn't
break up with b)
concentrate. Tell them you know that you made
some bad choices and c)
won't let d)
for letting
happen again. Tell e)
you are going to talk to all of f)
and make a plan to help you do better next quarter.
Then stick to g)
The better you do in
school the more doors are open for h)
in i)
Good luck.
In friendship,

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marcelomussato000


você é do Brasil?


queria poder te ajudar mais não estou te entendendo

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