Read the following problems. What advice would you give to these students?
a) My friend and I said some bad things about another girl on Twitter and she found out. We didn’t
mean for her to see it – were we wrong? [...]
b) Some girls are sending me mean texts and Facebook messages. I don’t respond, but it’s starting to
hurt. What do I do? [...]
c) My gf constantly wants to go through my phone and when I tell her no she thinks I’m hiding some-
thing. She has the passwords to both my Facebook and Myspace and goes through them everyday. If I
change them she says I’m hiding something and makes me give her the new ones or threatens to leave
and says she doesn’t trust me if she doesn’t have them. What should I do? [...]
Usuário anônimo:
mano se tem quntos anos?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) -The best thing to do in this case is to delete the post and apologize to thesterson.-
b) -In this case it is important to save all offensive messages and images received and block contacts.Make a police report if the messages continue.-
c) The healthiest thing is to ask directly. If you are a committed partner, you will try to clarify doubts, reinforcing complicity and nurturing the relationship with trust. If that doesn't work, maybe it's time to review your relationship.
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