Read some information about Albert Einstein's life. In tour notebook, Join the tão statements, as in the example.

Soluções para a tarefa
A questão traz informações sobre a vida de Albert Einstein e para respondê-la, devemos nos recordar de Conectivos em Inglês.
A questão apresenta a seguinte resposta:
a) who
b) which
c) who
d) what
e) which
O que são Conectives?
Conectives ou linking words são termos que atuam de forma a estabelecer conexão ou ligação entre duas palavras ou duas frases diferentes, possibilitando uma compreensão mais facilitada e lógica do texto como um todo.
Alguns pronomes relativos são utilizados para realizar essa função, a exemplo:
- Who
- Which
- Whom
- Whose
- That
Dessa forma, vamos reescrever as frases, unindo duas afirmações com os conectivos.
a) Albert worried about his mother, who was getting older and frail.
b) In 1905, Einstein published five of the most important paper in the history of science, which were written in his “spare time”.
c) Einstein, who had been thinking about physics since childhood, published five paper in a single year.
d) He argued that light came in little bits, what laid foundation for quantum mechanics.
e) In his theory of special relativity, space and time were threads in a common fabric, which coil be bent, stretched, and twisted.
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