Inglês, perguntado por lulumedeiros27, 8 meses atrás

Read, please: “We have been to Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guard, we have walked as far as Trafalgar Square to see the two art-galleries there; we have looked at Scotland Yard. And now, before it’s dark we are visiting the Zoo in Regent’s Park! Oh, we are feeling completely exhausted.” Now answer, please: About which country the text talked? …………………………………………………………………………… Which verb tenses you found in the text? ……………………………………………………………………………… Reading the text you observe that there were tourist involved in the story? ( ) No, there weren’t. ( ) Yes, there were. Complete with HAVE or HAS: My grandma………........just arrived from Paris. The children…………….broken the toys. Mr. Jordan………………..changed his job. ………………..the workers built the new office? Complete with present perfect tense: I…………………………………………….(to work) here since 1997. He………………………………………………..(to smoke) for 10 years. Kate………………………………………………………(to go) away. It…………………………………………………………….(to be) a hard time for the people. 4. Complete with the correct verb form: A. Mary ________her brother with the lesson. a. help b. helps c. to help B. The boys _________ play well today. a. doesn´t b. don´t c. didn´t C. My friends ________ came to my house last week. a. don´t b. doesn´t c. didn´t D. Peter _________ to New York last month. a. travel b. travels c. traveled


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare



About which country the text talked?

England / Inglaterra

Which verb tenses you found in the text?

Present Perfect and Present Continous

Reading the text you observe that there were tourist involved in the story?

( X ) Yes, there were.


My grandma has just arrived from Paris.

The children have broken the toys.

Mr. Jordan has changed his job. Have the workers built the new office?

3. Complete with present perfect tense:

I have worked here since 1997.

He has smoked for 10 years.

Kate has gone away.

It has been a hard time for the people.


A. Mary helps her brother with the lesson.

b. helps

B. The boys didn't play well today.

c. didn't

C. My friends didn't come to my house last week.

c. didn't

D. Peter traveled to New York last month.

c. traveled


Present Perfect

O Present Perfect é um tempo verbal que expressa uma ação no passado, cujo  tempo é desconhecido ou não importante no contexto. O que importa quando  usamos esse tempo verbal é a ênfase que se dá à reação da ação, que interfere no presente e não a ação em si. Podemos dizer que é um tempo verbal passado com  uma forte relação com o presente.

No Present Perfect utilizamos os verbos auxiliares são have, haven’t, has, hasn’t, dependendo do pronome utilizado. Para os pronomes I, you, we, they usa-se have e sua  negativa haven’t. E para os pronomes he, she, it, usa-se has e sua negativa hasn’t.

Forma Afirmativa (Affirmative Form)

Para a construir frases afirmativas no Present Perfect Simple, utiliza-se a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Present + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento


My parents have visited Portugal three times.

(Meus pais visitaram Portugal três vezes)

Forma Negativa (Negative Form)

As frases negativas no Present Perfect Simple incluem o “not” após o verbo auxiliar e seguem a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Present + not + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento


My parents have not visited Portugal three times.

(Meus pais não visitaram Portugal três vezes)

Forma Interrogativa (Interrogative Form)

ara fazer perguntas no Present Perfect Simple, é necessário inverter a ordem do verbo auxiliar na frase, ou seja, ele é posicionado antes do sujeito.

A forma interrogativa do Present Perfect segue a seguinte estrutura:

Verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Presente + sujeito + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento


Have my parents visited Portugal three times?

(Meus pais visitaram Portugal três vezes?)

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