Inglês, perguntado por aliciavigia1822, 2 meses atrás

Read Oliver's schedule and complete the text


I start school at _____ and finish at 11:45. My break is at _____. My favorite class is Spanish. I have Spanish class on _____ at 7:30and on ____ at 10:45. On tuesday i also have ______ , ______ and ______. ________ is also a great school day: I have double _______ before the break, then______ at 9:45 and P.E. at ______


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por haplesslitz
7:30am , 9:30 am , tuesday, thursday, English , computer science , P.E , wednesday, classes , art , 10:45

lidumota11: Obg ❤️
thiagosago0: 0bg mesmo cara tmj
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