Inglês, perguntado por pmarciana65, 9 meses atrás

Question 22 - The sky was grayish. What does grayish mean in Portuguese?
(a) Amarelado
(b) Esverdeado
(c) Acinzentado
(d) Esbranquiçado
Question 23 - What is the suffixed word in the sentence below? "These Apples are whitish, but they are sweet.”
(a) but
(b) these
(C) sweet
(d) whitish
Question 24 - The sentence in the previous question refers to a color. What is this? (a) Cor rosa
(b) Cor azul
(c) Cor preta
(d) Cor branca
Question 25 – The sea is very bluish today. What does bluish mean in portuguese?
(a) Azulado
(b) Amarelado
(c) Alaranjado
(d) Acinzentado ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Mystt0gan


22 - (c)

23 - (d)

24 - (d)

25 - (a)

pmarciana65: ongd
pmarciana65: obgd
Mystt0gan: de nadinha.
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