Inglês, perguntado por BloviatingDragon, 6 meses atrás

Question 2 – Complete the sentences with the verbs between the parentheses and correct form of will
(VALOR 20)
A) I guess people _ (move) to Mars.
B) _ (neg. there be) any more fossil fuels.
C) I hope scientists _ (find) the cure to all diseases.
D) What _ (happen) to the planet if the temperature continues to rise?
E) I believe _ (there be) wars in the future.
F) _ many fauna and flora species _ (become) extinct? I hope not!
G) I don’t think we _ (run out of) water.
H) The human race _ (neg. survive) unless they change the way they treat the planet.
I) When _ this project _ (finish)? It feel endless.
J) _ people _ (live) in other planets?

BloviatingDragon: ajudem rapido por favor!!!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lindolelli
a) will move
b) there won’t be
c) will find
d) will happen
e) there will be
f) will ... become
g) we will run out of
h) won’t survive
i) will... finish
j) will ... live

acho que é isso

BloviatingDragon: obrigado cara!!!!
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