Inglês, perguntado por patimf, 1 ano atrás

Question 04
Complete as sentenças conjugando os verbos indicados entre parênteses no Simple Present. (0,2)

Pablo and Robson always _______ (USE) the dictionary to check the meaning of key words.

Robson also _________ (STUDY). the Spelling and the pronunciation of the new words.

Question 02
Change the sentences below into negative form : (0,2)
a. Gustavo is playing soccer now.
b. Susan and Deborah are singing at this moment.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rachmelo
Pablo and Robson always use (USE) the dictionary to check the meaning of key words.

Robson also studies _________ (STUDY). the Spelling and the pronunciation of the new words.

a) Gustavo isn't playing soccer now
b) Susan and Deborah aren't singing at this moment
Respondido por izabelly13
4) Uses - studies

5) a)  Gustavo isn't playing soccer now
b) Susan and Deborah aren't singing at this moment
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