Inglês, perguntado por nataliadossantosxavi, 10 meses atrás

Questão Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em Português:

My Family

Hi, my name is Emily. I am ten years old. This is my family. My father is Jason, he is a doctor and

my mother is Beth, she is a nurse. I have two brothers, Anny and Joe, they are twins and very funny.

Our house is very big, in front of it there is a big swimming pool and a beautiful garden, around it

there are a lot of white and yellow flowers and behind it there is a wonderful barbecue place. Every

weekend my grandparents, my uncles and my cousins come to my house. We are a very happy family

and we play a lot together.

a) Uma frase com o verbo to be na forma singular.

b)Uma frase com o verbo to be na forma plural.

c) Duas cores.

d) Uma frase com um pronome pessoal.

e) A palavra “Avós”, em Inglês.Uma frase com o verbo to be na forma plural.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ericbenjamin469


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