Inglês, perguntado por thayanebmelo, 9 meses atrás

QUESTÃO 6 Qual das alternativas está incorreta em relação ao uso do simple future?

a) I won't be in Brazil in the next year.

b) Wait Steven! I do this.

c) You will send the pictures.

d) Will get the pen?

e) You won't stay here.

QUESTÃO 7 Qual alternativa contem a frase "He will talk to his brother after school." no futuro imediato:

a) He going to talk to his brother after school.

b) He's going talk to his brother after school.

c) He's going to talk to his brother after school.

d) He is going talk to his brother after school.

e) He going to talk his brother after school

Ajudem Amigos


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por locksrosaluiza


6) b

7) c

É isso

thayanebmelo: Valeu
Respondido por oliveiraantoniaolive


Questão 6

letra (b)

Questão 7

letra (d)



a)He going to talk to his brother after school.

b) He's going talk to his brother after school.

c) He's going to talk to his brother after school.

d) He is going talk to his brother after school.

e) He going to talk his brother after school

a) Ele vai falar com o irmão depois da escola.

b) Ele vai falar com o irmão depois da escola.

c) Ele vai falar com o irmão depois da escola.

d) Ele vai "conversar" com o irmão depois da escola.

e) Ele vai falar com o irmão depois da escola

thayanebmelo: Vlw vlw
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