Inglês, perguntado por mannukkj, 2 meses atrás

QUESTÃO 5. Read the text and write T (True), F (False) or NM (Not mentioned).
Ben and his friends plan to do something together at the weekend. They have talked about things they enjoy
doing, but can't really decide what to do. Ben likes watching football the best, but he hates bowling. All his
friends like going to the cinema and his friend Anne doesn't like table tennis. Ben's friend Thomas likes
table tennis, playing darts and bowling. His friend Alice would prefe to go bowling, but is also happy to do
something else.
1. Everyone likes bowling. [ ]
2. Both Thomas and Benlike football.[
3. Nobody wants to change their mind. [
4. Anne is not a big fan of table tennis. [
5. Some of Ben's friends dislike football. [ ]

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Frizy061061


1- F

2- NM

3- F

4- T

5- F



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