QUESTÃO 5 Read the following excerpt of “The Haunted Mind” by Nathaniel Hawthorne: “What a singular moment is the first one, when you have hardly begun to recollect yourself, after starting from midnight slumber! By unclosing your eyes so suddenly you seem to have surprised the personages of your dream in full convocation round your bed, and catch one broad glance at them before they can flit into obscurity […] If you could choose an hour of wakefulness out of the whole night, it would be this. Since your sober bedtime, at eleven, you have had rest enough to take off the pressure of yesterday's fatigue […]”. Taking the excerpt into account, analyze the following statements. I. The sentence “you have hardly begun to recollect yourself” is an example of a present perfect simple tense, due to the use of the verb “have” as an auxiliary and “begun” on the participle form. II. On the sentence “you seem to have surprised the personages”, we have the use of the present perfect tense, indicating an action that has already happened and we have no information regarding time. III. The sentence in the present perfect tense “you have had rest enough to take off the pressure of yesterday's fatigue” is not adequate, because we have the time expression “yesterday”. IV. On the sentence “Since your sober bedtime, at eleven, you have had rest enough to take off the pressure of yesterday's fatigue”, we have the use of “since”, one expression we normally use on the present perfect simple. It is correct what is stated in: Alternativas Alternativa 1: I and II, only. Alternativa 2: I, II and III, only. Alternativa 3: I, II and IV, only. Alternativa 4: I, III and IV, only. Alternativa 5: I, II, III, IV.
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Alternativa 3: I, II and IV, only.
Present perfect indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.
Há 1 ano
Há 20 anos
Desde 2001
Alternativa I está correta porque para formar o present perfect precisamos:
have/has + verbo principal no particípio
Alternativa II está correta porque para formar o present perfect precisamos:
have/has + verbo principal no particípio
Alternativa III está errada porque a palavra ''yesterday'' não tem relação com o verbo e, sim, com cansaço.
Traduzindo: você descansou o suficiente para se recuperar da pressão do cansaço de ontem.
Alternativa IV está correta porque SINCE/desde é normalmente usado no present perfect para indicar tempo.
Muito obrigada!
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