Inglês, perguntado por mariadenazaredesouza, 2 meses atrás

questao 5-check the alternative that adequately fillis the gaps

(she is fernanda montenegro,but____real names is arlete torres)

(you are grande otelo but____real name is sebastiao prata)

(her is ringo star but____real names is richarde stakney)

(you are gal but ____real name is maria da graça)

(we are pele and zico but____real names are edson and arthur)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jverreschi

(she is fernanda montenegro,but her real names is arlete torres)

(you are grande otelo but your real name is sebastiao prata)

(her is ringo star but her real names is richarde stakney)

(you are gal but your real name is maria da graça)

(we are pele and zico but our real names are edson and arthur)

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