Inglês, perguntado por evelynfonteles, 7 meses atrás

*Questão 2*
Complete as interrogações abaixo usando o “Past Continuous”:

a) _______Rachel _____________ a new book? (read)

b)________they___________together yesterday? (work)

c)________he___________ to music? (listen)

d)________you _________street dance? (do)

e)________she __________her sister with her homework? (help)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por larajesaba


a) Was Rachel reading a new book?

b) Were they working together yesterday?

c) Was he listening to music?

d) Were you doing street dance?

e) Was she helping her sister with her homework?


YOU/ THEY/ WE: vc usa o "were"

HE/ SHE/ IT/ I: usa o "was"

e tem q colocar o "ing" no final dos verbos

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