Inglês, perguntado por fernandapetry182, 9 meses atrás

Questão 07 - What is the student in the picture, whose hair is blond?
(a) The student who has blond hair is the little boy sitting at the back of the room
(b) The student who has blond hair is the girl with pink blouse
(©) The student who has blond hair is the boy in the T-shirt sitting in the center of
the classroom
(d)Who has blond hair is the boy who is wearing long-sleeve shirt.
Blond boy
Questão 08 - Who is the student whose blouse is green?
(a) The student whose blouse is green is the blond boy.
(b) The student whose blouse is green is the brown hair girl.
(c) The student whose blouse is green is the one with black short hair.
(d) The student whose blouse is green is the girl who looks oriental.
Girl in green blouse
Questão 09- Do you know the girl who is sitting in the back of the classroom?
(a) I don't know the girl who is sitting in the back of the classroom.
(b) Yes, I know the girl who is sitting in the back of the classroom.
(c) Yes, she studies in
(d) I saw this girl at my school yesterday.
Questão 10 - Where is sitting the girl whos is wearing a pink blouse?
(a) The girl who is wearing a pink blouse is sitting in the back of the room.
(b) The girl who's wearing a pink blouse is sitting in the first row of desks.
(c) The girl who is wearing a pink blouse is sitting at the center of the room.
(d) The girl who is wearing a pink blouse is sitting on the right side at the back of
the room.
Questão 11 - Which girl in the photo has brown hair?
girl in pink blouse
(a) The girl in the photo who has brown hair is wearing a blue cap.
(b) The girl in the photo who has brown hair is sitting at the center of the
(c) The girl in the photo who has brown hair is sitting in the front.
(d) The girl in the photo who has brown hair is sitting at the back of the room

me ajudem por favor♡

samyrabandeiraolivei: Alguém respondeu?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por albertaraujo03



Respondido por alreniceleite98


7(a )8(b) 9(d) 10(b) 11(b)

gesielsantos2019oliv: valeu
gesielsantos2019oliv: Apesar de que você não possa responder né!?!
wvcdwellen1234: Vlw ajudou muito continue ajudando
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