QUESTÃO 04- Na tirinha abaixo temos duas frases no past continuous. A frase “I wasn’t texting, Sr...” presente na tirinha, está em qual forma do past continuous?
(A) explicativa
(B) interrogativa
(C) negativa
(D) afirmativa
(E) conclusiva
Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão a seguir.
It was Saturday. The sun was shining and many people were going to the park. Bill was there. He was riding his bike when he met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells. She was running around the lake. There were some boys playing soccer. He also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some exercises. There were some kids eating popcorn and drinking soda. It was great!
QUESTÃO 05- Acima temos um texto que tem como tempo verbal predominante o past continuous.
Marque a opção abaixo que contém somente frases do past continuous presentes no texto lido.
(A) It was Saturday. / He also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford.
(B) The sun was shining.../ She was running around the lake.
(C) She was running around the lake. / It was great!
(D) It was Saturday. / It was great!
(E) Bill was there. / There were some boys playing soccer.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
4 - c) Negativa, pois o "wasn't" é um termo do verbo "be" no passado que está na forma negativa, essa palavra significa "não estava" ou "não era" em inglês.
5 - b) The sun was shining.../ She was running around the lake.
Explicação: Para mais dúvidas relacionado a esse conteúdo, eu indico muito esse site →
Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! <3
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