Inglês, perguntado por anny2035, 5 meses atrás

Questão 02: Preencha as lacunas das frases com “regular verbs”.

a) I____________a good film yesterday.( to watch) *

b) He ___________her friends last weekend. ( to visit) *

c) They __________the violin at the party. ( to play) *

d) They_____________hard last month.(to work) *

e) You______________your living room very well!( to clean) *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Afk2007


a) I watched a good film yesterday.( to watch) *

b) He visited her friends last weekend. ( to visit) *

c) They played the violin at the party. ( to play) *

d) They worked hard last month.(to work) *

e) You cleaned your living room very well!( to clean) *

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