Inglês, perguntado por marihbotelho277, 8 meses atrás

QUESTÃO 01 - Complete as frases usando os verbos abaixo fique atendo com a regras.
make - walk - love - speak - study
a) Brazilians
b) Sarah
delicious cakes.
c) My sister
in the park every.
In the School Hermínio de Melo.
e) The teacher Elias Ratys

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por milkiichocolati


a) Brazilians love Feijoada

b) Sarah make delicious cakes

c)My sister walk in the park every.

d) Study in the School Hermínio de Melo (aqui eu não sei se tem He , She , I , então se tiver coloque assim: I Study...)

e)The teacher Elias Ratys speak english.

Respondido por cavichon
a) brazilian love feijoada
b) sarah makes delicious cakes
c) my sister walks in the park every...
d) i study in the school herminio de melo
e) the teacher elias ratys speaks english
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