Inglês, perguntado por lucinhaabrantes55, 5 meses atrás

QUESTÃO 01. Change to negative form Conditional perfect (Mudo para a forma negative
Condicional perfeito)
a) I would have confronted him
b) He would have translated the letter for you
o) You would have written that letter​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por henriquesgiovanna726


A) I wouldn't have confronted him

B)He wouldn't have translated the letter for you

C) You wouldn't have written that letter


o would é o passado de will.

como por exemplo

I will have to go to the doctor next week. (eu terei que ir no médico semana que vem. )

I would have to go to the doctor next week. (eu teria que ir no médico semana que vem)

O negativo de would fica wouldn't ou would not .

Espero que ajude

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