Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

quem for bom em inglês me ajuda aí !!
só 3 questão

pfv só resposta !!​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por paulo252003

Grosso modo, o primeiro caso para tentar passar frases da afirmativa para negativa em inglês é identificar um dos “caras” abaixo elencados

verbo to be (am, is, are, was, were)

verbo modal (would, could, must, may, might should, etc)

verbo auxiliar (do, does, did, have, has, will etc)

Em seguida, inserimos not depois desse “cara”.  


a) they won't buy a new house.

b)  we won't go out tonight.

c)  I won't visit my cousin tomorrow.

d) they won't arrive at night.

e) She won't work during the night this month.


Ed Sheeran is a singer/songwriter who began playing guitar at a young age  and soon after started writing his own songs. When he was 11, Sheeran met singer-songwriter  Damien Rice backstage at one of Rice’s shows, and the young musician found added inspiration.


a) F

b) V

c) F

paulo252003: fico feliz em ajudar...
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