Inglês, perguntado por cauadsilva06, 1 ano atrás

quem é janette farrel?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por OnsLucas

Janet Farrell Brodie is a professor emerita of history at Claremont Graduate University. Her interests lie primarily in 19th- and 20th-century American history. Within this broad field, her research deals specifically with Cold War secrecy; war and American cultural history; and women, gender, and Cold War history. Along with these research interests, her teaching fields include studies of material culture in the United States and gender and women’s history in a broader scope.

Espero ter ajudado!

Respondido por ryan2670


uma das maiores escritoras de novelas


transforma história em tramas envolvente pareceria ser até um trabalho fácil para Janete cair

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