Inglês, perguntado por anecaroline23, 7 meses atrás

Qual é o erro do texto abaixo?

So, daily routine in my life is I go to bed at three, get up at nine, get dressed, eat, to head back down to the basement, maybe play the guitar, mess around on my keyboard, mess around on my computer, talk with some friends and then I lunch, and then, huh, I go to bed. No, I should know: I eat dinner and then I go to bed. And then... probably go back on my computer, like two AM in the morning and then back to bed and then my day starts all over again.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ratojamaicano00


alguns erros na construção do texto, experimente isso

So, in my daily routine, I go to bed at three AM, get up at nine AM, get dressed, eat, head down to the basement, maybe play with my guitar, mess around on my keyboard, mess with my computer, talk with some friends and then I lunch, after that I eat dinner and then I go to bed. But I probably go back on my computer, like two AM in the morning and then I go back to bed and my day starts all over again.

nauanne3103: e bom mas né tudo que agente que tem a resposta
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