Qual dessas alternativas está no presente Contínuous?
A) She has many friends
B) You are students
C) It drinks milk
D) We are studying here
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present continuous
Tempo verbal usado quando queremos falar de algo que está acontecendo no momento em que falamos. Pode vir acompanhado de ''now'' - ''right now'' - ''at the moment''
Estrutura do Present Continuous
Sujeito+verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento + now/at the moment
John is playing video game now.
My sons are watching TV right now.
I am studying English now.
⇒⇒ Simple present >> tempo verbal usado para descrever ações que acontecem todo dia.
She goes to school. - Ela vai para a escola.
I go to the grocery on Saturday. - Eu vou ao mercado no sábado.
We watch TV at night. - Nós assistimos TV à noite.
A única alternativa que está no ''present continuous'' é a letra ''D'' porque podemos ver o verbo ''to be'' >> ARE + um verbo terminando em ''ING''
A) She has many friends. >>> simple present
B) You are students. >>> simple present
C) It drinks milk. >>> simple present
D) We are studying here. >>> present continuous
Learn more
brainly.com.br/tarefa/25087707(simple present + present continuous)