Inglês, perguntado por vsproducao602, 5 meses atrás

Qual a ordem do discurso indireto para esta frase:
"Yes, I believe in fortune-tellers, especially after what
happened today"
a) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after
what has happened this day.
b) He said he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after what
happened that day.
c) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after
what had happened today.
d) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after
what happened today.
e) He said that he believed in fortune-tellers, especially after
what had happened that day.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sarahvalente2005


A) He said that he believed in fortune tellers, especially after what happened this day.

(nn eh a ctz)


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