Inglês, perguntado por isaabcf02, 1 ano atrás

qual a importância do verbo to be na língua inglesa? URGENTE

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tgrbrc


O verbo "to be" é um dos verbos mais importantes do inglês, já que além de ter significado sozinho - "ser, estar", ele é auxiliar de outros tempos verbais, como:

→ Present continuous:

I am working a lot today.

She is cooking dinner.

→ Future continuous:

I will be attending a conference in a few minutes.

→  Past continuous:

I was studying before you interrupted me.

We were walking down the streets when the accident happened.

→ Voz passiva:

William broke the chair.

The chair was broken by William.

→ Present perfect continuous:

I have been working a lot lately.

→ Future perfect continuous:

I will have been studying a lot by next month.

→  Past perfect continuous:

She had been standing there for over an hour.

→ Além disso, ele é usado para indicar idades:

I'm 23 years old. (Eu tenho 23 anos de idade).

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