Inglês, perguntado por SabriniEvilyn, 1 ano atrás

Quais são os elementos de comunicação oral em lingua inglesa?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucian12
COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION PROCESS ELEMENTSThe communication takes place when a person conveys ideas orfeelings the other or others, and its efficiencyevaluated by the similarity between the transmitted idea and the ideareceived. However, communication is not just talking topeople; also means listening to them, since hearing howtalk is an act of communication.So communication is not only the transmission of a messagebut the transmission of the message to prompt aspecific response. So if you can define communicationas the process by which a transmitter and relatescommon receiver through a message transmitted in code bya channel.When defining communication was made reference to someelements that allow its implementation. These elements arecalled elements of the communication process and thatare: the sender, receiver, message, code, channel andcontext.The issuer is sending a message in a particular code.The issuer's activity is to translate a code which willand transmitting to the receiver and to decode the receivecode used. In the process of learning the teacher is thetransmitter and the receiver pupil.The message is the content of communication - which communicates orif you want to communicate. The message in teaching is the mattertransmitted by the teacher.The code symbols is not more than that when grouped andcombined make significant joint. The letters ofalphabet of a language are symbols grouped into wordsconstitute a code, languages, morse system, the systemBraille ossinais flags, etc., are examples ofcodes used in communication.
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