Inglês, perguntado por grazisilva0519, 1 ano atrás

Quais os nouns presente no texto?, This is julia. A beautiful and happy girl. She has two brothers john and julio. Julius is blond and has green eyes, egual to hers. John has light brow hair , and green eyer as well. Julia is smaller tham john , and larger tham julius. Julia is more studious tham brothers, bet she is less playful tham thy are. They are very United ande happy

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


This is Julia. A beautiful and happy girl. She has two brothers John and Julius. Julius is blonde and has green eyes, egual to hers. John has light brow hair , and green eyes as well. Julia is smaller than John, and larger than Julius. Julia is more studious than her brothers, but she is less playful than they are. They are very united and happy.







Nouns - substantivos

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