Inglês, perguntado por marialuanasecundodas, 10 meses atrás

Quais dessas frases apresentam discurso direto?

A-) Mary Said(That)She studied every Day.

B-)Susan Said,"I studied yesterday.

C-)Susan Said,(That)She had studied the day before.

D-)Leo Said,"I have studied.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Direct speech / discurso direto

A-)  Mary said(That) she studied every Day.  >>> reported speech

B-)  Susan said,"I studied yesterday. >>  direct speech

C-)  Susan said,(That) she had studied the day before.  >>  reported speech

D-)  Leo said,"I have studied.  >>  direct speech


⇒⇒  Direct speech / discurso direto  >>>  é quando repetimos, exatamente, o que outra pessoa falou.

- James said:  ''I’m very late''

 James disse: ''Estou muito atrasado''

- Mr. Blake said: ''I want to talk to your parents''

 Mr. Blake disse: ''Eu quero falar com seus pais''

⇒⇒  Reported speech / discurso indireto  >>>  é quando repetimos, com as nossas palavras, o que a pessoa falou. As duas frases, normalmente, são ligadas por ''that''.

- James said that he was very late.

James disse que ele estava muito atrasado.

- Mr. Blake said that he wanted to talk to my parents.

Mr. Blake disse que ele queria falar com meus pais.

- He said that I needed to pay more attention.

Ele disse que eu precisava prestar mais atenção.

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