Inglês, perguntado por beatrizcostasz, 8 meses atrás

Putz the verbs in parênteses into Present Perfect
1-The boys give to many problems. (To give- dar)
2-It Will be warm this week. (To be- ser/estar)
3-They have prepared a lot of food.(To prepare- preparar)
4-The pupils studied for their exam.(To study- estudar)
5-The boy fall out off his bike.(To fall- cair)
6-He has to just gone out.(to go-ir)
7-My grandmother have losed weight.(To lose-perder)
8-We always to visit Spain.(Tô want-querer)
9-The sun is rising. It's time to go.(To rise-surgir;subir;nascer)
10-Lucy sang in a chorus before.(To sing-cantar)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por JeanPiovesan

1 - esta citação não esta gramaticalmente correta, mas seria (gave)

2 - was

3 - ja esta correta

4 - ja esta correta

5 - fell

6 - ja esta correta

7 - ja esta correta

8 - wanted

9 - rised

10 - ja esta correta

beatrizcostasz: Obrigadooo
JeanPiovesan: tenho uma regua que ganhei do meu curso com todos os verbos irregulares, espero que ajude
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