Inglês, perguntado por Amand228, 5 meses atrás

. Put the verbs into correct form according to simple present:
a) I _________________ (not/go) to school on Saturdays. b) She _________ (drink) soda everyday.
c) _______________ (he / wash) his car every Sunday? d) My mother __________ (love) baking.
e) My sister and I __________ (not / fight) at all.
f) My computer __________ (work) very badly
g) I _____________ (not / like) to watch horror movies
h) My parents _____________ (hate) when I watch horror movies i) ___________________ (we / talk) a lot during the class?
j) Susan ____________ (speak) English very well.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isabelb1502


i dont go to school on saturdays

she drinks soda everyday

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