Inglês, perguntado por jadianeidem, 2 meses atrás

Put the sentences into the interrogativa and the negative
A ) the ressarcimento has sent the information to the mewspaper.

B) they have found a New forma of radiador

C)he has been to New York theer time

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por an0nim001072004


A) The ressarcimento has sent the information to the newspaper.

Interrogative: Has the ressarcimento sent the information to the newspaper?

Negative: The ressarcimento hasn't sent the information to the newspaper.

B) They have found a New form of radiador.

Interrogative: have they found a new form of radiador?

Negative: They haven't found a new form of radiador.

C) He has been to New York three times.

Interrogative: Has he been to New York three times?

Negative: He hasn't been to New York three times.

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