Inglês, perguntado por crisgirl65, 7 meses atrás

Produzir um texto bilíngue com o tema: HOW DO I FEEL WITH MY BODY AND IMAGE IN MY SCHOOL?

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Respondido por glkurtzious17
Adolescence is a phase of great changes, as much as physical, hormonal and psychological. One thinks a lot about self-image, how and why the body image of the other can be so influential and how to deal with the issue of obesity in the group of friends. It is also worrying, the number of young people who go through eating disorders, due to the search for the perfect body and approximation to the standard model, influenced by TV, social networks, newspapers and magazines
Most people, when pursuing these ideals of beauty, fail to achieve it, which generates great discontent. As a result, the number of eating disorders increases, which are mainly caused by psychological reasons.
I think we should accept ourselves as we are, I see my image at school, as a way of transmitting light to the people who need me. School is a second family and we must help those who lack self-esteem or are shy for some reason, we must fit in, but not only look at our own image, but reach out to those who need us to make our image school and good for all, living in society is fundamental for good development and behavior.

crisgirl65: Muito obrigadaaaaa ♥️
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