Produzir um diálogo abordando a necessidade que o ser humano precisa para manter sua saúde em relação ao ambiente que vive, urgenteee!!!!!!!!
Soluções para a tarefa
e necessário e um ser humano conversa e conviver com
outros seres humanos pra não ir a loucura. Exemplo: se uma pessoa viver sozinha em uma floresta ela fica louca
humans have to care the natural things that they use all days, if they don’t care, their natural things can exhaust. by the way, all the humans have to preserve the environment to keep the planet’s health and their health. here are some ideas to help the planet:
1. avoid excessive consumption
2. don’t waste food
3. recycle (and the 3 R)
but the most important thing: we have to announce to all people that we don’t live without nature, without environment. human can’t survive without nature, we have to preserve it! all the little things can help the planet so much.
thanks for listening :)