Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

Produza 30 frases em inglês usando os pronomes relativos. Observe as explicações da aula 27. Pronomes When What Which Where Whose Who

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por taylaelara19

-The boys who came earlier got the best seats.

-It's the best play that I've never seen.

-The woman whom he rescued was a tourist.

-The house which is located in the center of the town is 100 years old.

-That is the girl whose parents got divorced last year.

-That is the man what I saw in the park yesterday.

-The univertsity where we teach is an excellent school.

-2009 was the year when she got divorced.

-The car, whose lights do not work, is a danger.

- The young lady whom I met last night is Dave's sister.

Espero ter ajudado :) Desculpe não ter sido 30 mas imagino que 11 ajude... Bons estudos!

taylaelara19: Ingrato
taylaelara19: pelo menos eu respondi alguma coisa útil
mariaeduardacabral16: vc foi muito grosso com ela
mariaeduardacabral16: pelo menos ela respondeu
mariaeduardacabral16: ela se esforçou para responder
mariaeduardacabral16: e vc nem agradeçe
mariaeduardacabral16: se não queria q ela respondesse era só não ter feito a pergunta
mariaeduardacabral16: nem todo mundo vai responder com perfeição
mariaeduardacabral16: então seja grato por ela ter respondido
mariaeduardacabral16: e ela ainda foi gentil com uma pessoa q não merece
Respondido por mariaeduardacabral16


-When did you buy this sneaker?

-When it's your birthday?

-When are we going to the beach?

-When's the football game?

-when I go to my grandmother's house?

-where did you go?

-Where's your house?

-where are you from ?

-where do you live ?

-where are you going

-what is your favorite color ?

-what are you doing ?

-what is your name ?

-what do you want ?

-what time is it ?

- Which one is your sister?

- Which is better?

- Which is the best?

- Which one is cheaper?

- Which road should you take?

-Who are you looking for?

- She can imagine who loves you.

- Who do you play soccer with?

- Who is he?

- I know who you are.

-whose car is this?

-whose bike is that?

-whose books are these?

-whose t-shirts are those?

-whose pencil is this?

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