Inglês, perguntado por ja1795427, 8 meses atrás

produção textual em língua inglesa sobre o dia dos pais ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por victormoraesmota2102


Dias dos pais

Celebrating the importance of the father's role in family life has been going on for more than four thousand years. Young Elmesu, in ancient Babylon, carved in clay what would be considered the first Father's Day card. The parents' wishes for a long life and health were perpetuated by various civilizations, at first informally. every parent deserves a special day with their children because you've always been on their side, for example my father who helps me a lot with the money. as I've been with him and I've done several things with him,i know he abandoned me when he was 6 months old but it doesnt matter but the love he has for me does matter

ja1795427: obrigado
ja1795427: eu sinto muito
ja1795427: flw
ja1795427: Goodbye
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