1. Add OVER or UNDER to the words in parentheses and fill in the blanks with the right verb tenses.
a) The baby was ___________________ (sized) at birth and needed to stay in hospital for some days.
b) I feel rather ______________ (dress) in this suit – everyone else is wearing jeans!
c) Many airlines ______________ (book), so many passengers aren’t able to travel at the scheduled time.
d) Let me show you the ______________ (view) of the company’s plans for the next five years.
e) There is a tendency to ___________________ (eat) at Christmas.
2. Choose a word from the box and suffix MENT in order to complete the following sentences:
disagree – enjoy – pay – retire – improve - disappoint
a) Gardening is one of her chief ______________ (happiness).
b) The forecast sees a slight ________________________ in the weather (a positive change).
c) Many doctors expressed ___________________ on how to proceed the surgery (lack of approval).
d) Not getting the job was a bitter ________________ (sadness).
e) Personal abuse was the only _______________ she got for her efforts (a reward).
f) There have been several ______________________ in the company this year (the state when people quit working).
3. Add the suffix LY to the words below and complete the sentences:
special – exact – sensible – incessant – continuous – perfect
a) I know _________________ what this word means.
b) Sue works _____________________ . She never seems to stop.
c) I cooked this meal ____________________ for you, so I hope you like it.
d) I tried on the shoes and they fitted me __________________ .
e) A week that rained _____________________ .
f) If you don’t want to put on some kilos, you should eat more _____________ .
4. Use the prefixes UN, IN or IM, and a word from the box to complete the sentences.
acceptable – mature – adequate – expected – mobile - competent
a) He’s very ___________ for his age.
b) Her illness has made her completely ____________________ .
c) I felt completely _______________ to cope with the job.
d) I suppose my application has been lost by some ______________________ clerk.
e) Torture is totally __________________ in a civilized society!
f) His reaction was quite ______________________.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Prefixes and suffixes
1. Add OVER or UNDER to the words in parentheses and fill in the blanks with the right verb tenses.
a) The baby was undersized at birth and needed to stay in hospital for some days.
b) I feel rather overdressed in this suit – everyone else is wearing jeans!
c) Many airlines overbook, so many passengers aren’t able to travel at the scheduled time.
d) Let me show you the overview of the company’s plans for the next five years.
e) There is a tendency to overeat at Christmas.
2. Choose a word from the box and suffix MENT in order to complete the following sentences:
a) Gardening is one of her chief enjoyment. (happiness).
b) The forecast sees a slight improvement in the weather (a positive change).
c) Many doctors expressed disagreement on how to proceed the surgery (lack of approval).
d) Not getting the job was a bitter disappointment. (sadness).
e) Personal abuse was the only payment she got for her efforts (a reward).
f) There have been several retirement bin the company this year (the state when people quit working).
3. Add the suffix LY to the words below and complete the sentences:
a) I know exactly what this word means.
b) Sue works incessantly . She never seems to stop.
c) I cooked this meal specially for you, so I hope you like it.
d) I tried on the shoes and they fitted me perfectly.
e) A week that rained continuously.
f) If you don’t want to put on some kilos, you should eat more sensibly.
4. Use the prefixes UN, IN or IM, and a word from the box to complete the sentences.
a) He’s very immature for his age.
b) Her illness has made her completely immobile.
c) I felt completely inadequate to cope with the job.
d) I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent clerk.
e) Torture is totally unacceptable in a civilized society!
f) His reaction was quite unexpected.
⇒⇒ Prefixes / prefixos >> São letras ou números que adicionamos no início de uma palavra ou número, para formar uma nova palavra ou número, com um novo significado. Os prefixos podem, por exemplo, criar uma nova palavra com sentido oposto à palavra de origem. Podem, também, criar uma nova palavra com sentido negativo ou que expressam relação de tempo, lugar ou maneira.
(1) >> prefixo dos Estados Unidos para ligações telefônicas
(55) >> prefixo do Brasil para ligações telefônicas do exterior
possible - impossible >>> opposite (oposto) >>> possível/impossível
able - unable >>> negative (negativa) >> capaz / incapaz
cook - overcook >>> manner (maneira) >> cozinhar/passar do ponto
consider - reconsider >>> again (novamente) >> considerar/reconsiderar
⇒⇒ Suffixes / sufixos >>> São palavras que adicionamos no final de uma palavra para formar um adjetivo a partir de um verbo, substantivo abstrato a partir de um adjetivo, um novo advérbio, etc.
accept - acceptable - aceitável
adore - adorable - adorável
pain - painful - doloroso
use - useful - útil
Exemplos com sufixo ''ER'' :
to dance >> dançar
dancER >> dançarino
to work >> trabalhar
workER>> trabalhador
to sell >> vender
sellER >> vendedor
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