Inglês, perguntado por gabriellammtoledo, 10 meses atrás

Preencham os espaços em branco com as formas mais adequadas do verbo "to be" no futuro.

A- I'm_______ be there tomorrow without fail. (will )ou (going to)

B- _______you be home when I arrive? (will) ou (going to)

C- Are you_______ be a father? (will) ou (going to)

D- He's________be here for two weeks. (will) ou ( going to)

E- They_______be the best players of all time. (will) ou (going to)

F- ________we be angels when we die? (will) ou ( going to)

G- Is she_______be your next patient? (will) ou ( going to)

H- I_______be there for you if you should need me. (will) ou (going to)

I- He's________be away for six days. (will) ou (going to)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por teleqathy


a) going to

b) will

c) going to

d) going to

e) will

f) will

g) going to

h) will

i) going to

gabriellammtoledo: mto obgg
Respondido por zmcd8hx9ct
A) going to
B) will
C) going to
D) going to
E) will
F) will
G) going to
H) will
I) going to
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