Inglês, perguntado por danalucia960, 2 meses atrás

Preencha os espaços em branco com os demonstrativos pronomes .

a)------- is robert .
b) -------- pencile are mine
c)---------- Pet chairs into the corner
d)Is -------your house
e)--------- girl in front of the cinema is my sister .
f) are ------ computers brokes ?
2) coloque as palavras entre parênteses na forma correta( plural /singular)

a) those ----- are not these (book)
b)these ---- are two pens on this
c) these ------- are very old (tree)
d) those ------ are Nice (street/Gorden)
e) that ------ is beautiful (flower)
f) that ---- is Begin this
g) this is an ---------( alligator)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por precisodeboamedialol



a - This

b- those

c- those

d- this

e- the

f- the


a- books

b- ?? você não escreveu a palavra

c- trees

d- streets

e- flower

f- ?? você não escreveu a palavra

g- alligator

danalucia960: b)these ---- are two pens on this (table).
danalucia960: f) that ---- is Begin this ( street/ Garden
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