Preencha as lacunas com o possessivo (Possessive Adjective) correto(1,0)
Example You and Don live together. Is that your house?
a) Susan has a bicycle. That’s ____ bicycle.
b) Bill and Ann have two children. Those are ____ children.
c) I love sports. ____ favorite is soccer.
d) Nice to meet you. What is ____ name?
e) Jim and I work together. We like ____ job.
f) My cat is big. But ____ bed is too small.
g) Anderson has many glasses. ____ glasses are ugly.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Possessive adjectives
a) Susan has a bicycle. That’s her bicycle.
b) Bill and Ann have two children. Those are their children.
c) I love sports. My favorite is soccer.
d) Nice to meet you. What is your name?
e) Jim and I work together. We like our job.
f) My cat is big. But its bed is too small.
g) Anderson has many glasses. His glasses are ugly.
→→ Possessive adjectives >>> usado para expressar posse - sempre acompanhado de um substantivo
My car
His dog
Her cat
I >>> possessivo ''my'' >> my car
You >>> possessivo ''your'' >> your mother
He >>> possessivo ''his'' >> his father
She >>> possessivo ''her'' >> her sister
It >>> possessivo ''its'' >> its toy
We >>> possessivo ''our'' >> our friends
They >> possessivo ''their'' >> their bikes
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