Inglês, perguntado por anacaroline8061, 1 ano atrás

preencha as lacunas com o past simples dos verbos e traduza para o português i —cooked—(cook) a mel for my friends.
a) the music was good, but i _____ (not dance) very much.
b) my friend _____ (not listen) to the band on saturday night.
c) last week, i ____ (clean) my brother's new car for him.
d) did you ____ (watch) a fun movie last night?
e) ben and franklin ____ (play) tennis for five hours yesterday.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por BRUNOLCT


A) The music was good, but i didn't dance very much.

B) My friend didn't listen to the band on saturday night.

C)  Last week, i cleaned my brother's new car for him.

D) Did you watched a fun movie last night?

E) Ben and franklin played tennis for five hours yesterday.​

TRADUÇÃO - Eu cozinhei mel para meus amigos.

Espero ter ajudado!!!

paulopeirotti29: udjzidjdnxjxp
beatrizgomesmartins9: what?
BRUNOLCT: Olá Beatriz, tudo bem? Está com alguma dúvida sobre a resposta? Eu posso tentar te ajudar. Obrigado
beatrizgomesmartins9: a meu nome e Gabriela
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