Inglês, perguntado por eliasrocha1222, 5 meses atrás

preencha as lacunas com cis - isn't - dais - doest) de acordo com o texto:

kelly___very busy . she___ have free time.
today___ a holiday and she___meeting her Friends there. she___ going by briy,her sister___toking for there.
Kelly ' sister ___ like love stories so she ____ watching the movie but later she____going to a fast food
Ketaurants with Kelly and fear friends.____
Kelly like hamburgers? Yes,she____
she thinks it____good to have a holiday in the middle of the week.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliafariasp


Kelly IS very busy.

She DOESN'T have free time.

Today IS a holiday and she IS meeting her friends there.


O resto eu nao sei

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