Inglês, perguntado por sillmarapjl, 8 meses atrás

Preencha a s lacunas com Was/Were
1 – I ________ at the laundromat yesterday
2 – You ______ at the bus station last Monday
3 – She ______ at the partking lot with Jerry
4 – They ______ terried of that strange alarm clock
5 – It _________ raining cats and dogs

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariaclara01lk
1 - was
2 - were
3 - was
4- were
5- was
Respondido por vivianytavaressantos

Resposta: 1 – I _was_ at the laundromat yesterday

2 – You _were_ at the bus station last Monday

3 – She _was_ at the partking lot with Jerry

4 – They _were_ terried of that strange alarm clock

5 – It _was_raining cats and dogs

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