Inglês, perguntado por annajuliajujupg, 9 meses atrás

preciso urgente de ajudaaa


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Lucy broke her arm last week. It happened when she was painting her room. She fell off the ladder.

The train arrived at the station and Paula got off. Two friends of hers, Jon and Rachel were waiting to meet her.

Yesterday Sue was walking along the road  when she met James. He went to the station and he was carrying a bag. They stopped to talk for a few minutes.

2. she was studying.

3. did the post arrive - came - having breakfast

4. didn't go

5. were you driving  - stopped - was not driving

6. Did your team win - didn't play

7. did you break - were playing - kicked - hit

8. Did you see  - was wearing

9. were you doing

10. lost - did you get - climbed


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