Inglês, perguntado por jpedrocavalo20, 1 ano atrás

Preciso que meu texto seja corrigido, para ter sentido e gramaticalmente correto.
"We can learn speak in English for movies and songs a likes, helping learn vocab, expression and pronunciation. First with movies, choice a movie you like much, look for a dialog for read in script, then look in movie the part what possession the dialog and listen. Now repeat togheter with movie e train.
The humans are creatures visual, that is, we need to see to understand and memorize, listening only can not understand the words, so we read. And last practice alone or friends.
Also by music, first listen the your music favorite, then read the lyrics, because in the corner the sound of the words changes according to the pronunciation. And so you will understand the words spoken.
Singing can be complicated, so you need to be used to the lyrics to be able to lengthen and shorten it. So sing along to get used to it. And for the last step, do karaoke and train until you no longer need the lyrics."

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lugabicustodio

" We can learn how speak English with movies and songs, this things can help we learn vocabulary,expression and pronunciation. About movie, you can choose a movie that you like and look for a dialogue for read the script, after this look the movie part that have the possession dialogue and listen. Now repeat with the movie and train.

The humans are visual creatures, so, we need to see for understand and memorize. If we only listening we probably won't understand the words, so we read for understand more.

And we can practice alone or with friends ( não entendi muito bem essa frase, então coloquei oq eu consigui entender).

And about songs, you can listen your favorite song, then read the lyrics, because the words sounds can change according to the pronunciation.So you will understand the song words.

Singing can be complicated, so you need to use the lyrics to be able to lengthen and shorten it. Then, sing alone for get used it. And the last step, sing karaoke and train until you don't need any more the lyrics."

Só queria avisar q eu não sou fluente em inglês e as mudanças q eu fiz é de acordo com o q eu sei e oq eu achei q era melhor mudar!

É isso, espero ter ajudado!

jpedrocavalo20: Muito obrigado, você me salvou!!
lugabicustodio: De nada!
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